• Multi-Outlet Surge Protector. belkin smart plug guide Power Strip: Turn 1 outlet into 6 surge-protected AC outlets with this compact power extension cord. It supplies power to multiple commuting. belkin smart plug guidedevices and peripherals, from iPhones, tablets and smartphones to laptops and projectors. Cleaner. belkin smart plug guide workstation for a clearer mind. • Safeguard Your. belkin smart plug guide Devices and Appliances: The electric strip has a 1,080-Joule energy rating providing a reliable power extension hub to protect monitors, belkin smart plug guide hard drives, and other desktop items. It secures your electronic devices from overload, short circuit, belkin smart plug guide power spikes, lightning strikes, or fluctuations. • Compact, Heavy Duty, belkin smart plug guide and Space-Saving: The widely spaced outlets give ample area to fit big plugs and charger bricks. Its slim profile is ideal for providing additional outlets into tight spaces, home office, belkin smart plug guide and game rooms. Designed with a durable case that protects circuits from fire, damage, and rust. • Reliable Product and Superior Protection: Purchase.belkin smart plug guide with confidence as it is backed by lifetime warranty and protected by dollar 15,000 Connected. belkin smart plug guide Equipment Warranty. Check out the full specs: 48,000A maximum spike amperage, 6 feet / 1.8-meter power cord, and 6 standard AC outlets with. belkin smart plug guide surge suppressor. • Revolving Plug and Extra AC Outlets: Built with a 360-degree.belkin smart plug guide rotating AC plug for convenient access to any wall socket from all directions. Each port delivers optimized charging to iPhones, smartphones, belkin smart plug guidegame consoles, and more. Simultaneously plug-in up to six devices on this safety power outlet.belkin smart plug guide